You Can't Have Opinions About the Truth

...And sometimes it sucks.

Friday, January 29, 2010

Take THAT, Lewis Black!

I was sitting peacefully in the doctor's office, minding my own business, when a guy dressed in full motorcycle regalia escorting an old man, comes and sits next to me. (I wondered why he had all that crap on, since the old guy could hardly walk....obviously they weren't on a Harley.)  He grumbles about how taking pills has caused his "tachocardia" to act up and how all pills are poison. Silence....and then this wonderful little gem which Lewis Black will be trying to pay me for later:

"I'll never get to the Czech Republic."

Now in my humble opinion, this is MUCH better than "if it weren't for my horse." In fact, I'm thinking of going back to the doctor next Monday, just to try and get another one. I feel for you buddy. I'll probably never get there, either.

1 comment:

  1. My dog comes from the Czech Republic. But I doubt I will ever get there.
